Squid Flies
Laegreid Outdoors has covered squid jigging, and we've covered fly tying, so I figured, what the heck, let's mash 'em both together. This was the result:
Do squid like fuzzy things? |
This one looks highly effective. |
Now I don't know about the semantics, so I'm not sure if we can call these squid flies until they've been fished off of a fly line; for now they are squid jigs. Someday (when I acquire a boat) they will be fished off a 5-weight and a sink-tip, for now they'll be riding fluorocarbon into the Salish Sea.
There are a few reasons I tied these:
- I've had most of my squid-success on small jigs; these are smaller than my small jigs. We shall see if that makes a difference.
- There are some instances where fish will hold on to a lure longer if it feels more natural. Since my squid jigs were all hard plastic, these will let me find out if that holds true for squid as well.
- I like making weird things.
So these little guys are going to come with me on my next squid outing, which will be after the holidays. Look for a post next week with pictures from Wyoming!
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