A Call to Action
Disclaimer: It is not my intent to have a politically charged blog, but this is too important to not discuss. I will try to be brief.
Dear readers,
With the recent election, the outdoor way of life that we love is in danger. If you hunt, fish, or use public lands in any way, it is time to step forward and take action. Corporations are looking at a president and congress that will kowtow to their desires, and that bodes ill for the sportsmen and women of America. It is not in the interest of big business to keep our coldwater fisheries clean; it is not in the interest of big business to keep public lands in public hands; it is not in the interest of big business to do anything positive for the natural world that provides us with so much.
It is with this in mind that I ask you to be vigilant. Watch the bills that are being passed. Pay attention to legislation that will remove our rights. Join conservation organizations. Support small businesses; this is their fight too. Most importantly, communicate with each other. If you notice something shady, if you see our lands being put in jeopardy, tell everyone you can. Our strength is in our numbers and our combined passion for the outdoors; if we shout loud enough, we can make the powers that be hear us. Don't let political lines divide us. Democrat or Republican, it does not matter. We are all stewards of the land, and we must, must, join together to protect the natural resources that make America such an amazing country.
This is the beginning of the struggle to keep our way of life a reality. We all must become activists. If not, we risk our children and grandchildren being deprived of the joy nature provides.
Thank you for reading, and good luck.
Peter Laegreid
Dear readers,
With the recent election, the outdoor way of life that we love is in danger. If you hunt, fish, or use public lands in any way, it is time to step forward and take action. Corporations are looking at a president and congress that will kowtow to their desires, and that bodes ill for the sportsmen and women of America. It is not in the interest of big business to keep our coldwater fisheries clean; it is not in the interest of big business to keep public lands in public hands; it is not in the interest of big business to do anything positive for the natural world that provides us with so much.
It is with this in mind that I ask you to be vigilant. Watch the bills that are being passed. Pay attention to legislation that will remove our rights. Join conservation organizations. Support small businesses; this is their fight too. Most importantly, communicate with each other. If you notice something shady, if you see our lands being put in jeopardy, tell everyone you can. Our strength is in our numbers and our combined passion for the outdoors; if we shout loud enough, we can make the powers that be hear us. Don't let political lines divide us. Democrat or Republican, it does not matter. We are all stewards of the land, and we must, must, join together to protect the natural resources that make America such an amazing country.
This is the beginning of the struggle to keep our way of life a reality. We all must become activists. If not, we risk our children and grandchildren being deprived of the joy nature provides.
Thank you for reading, and good luck.
Peter Laegreid
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